Classic and Beautiful

Now, more than ever before, a cake is a showpiece at your wedding!  It's often the 2nd most looked at table of the entire room.  Cake is not just a traditional wedding day dessert, but it's a work of art!  It's actually part of the décor! 

Our 4 tier wedding cake includes 2 cake flavors and a textured buttercream icing with multiple design possibilities and ways to customize. Below are some of our most popular texture techniques, however we offer many more than what you see here. Check out our Instagram page for more icing techniques we offer in the package.

There are many ways to customize your cake by adding color, cake flowers (provided by The Design Haus), ribbon accents, palette textures, toppers, figurines, and metallic accents in gold, silver, and copper. These customizations are included in the package. If part of your cake design goes outside the scope of work, we will discuss options available to you based on your wants.

We look forward to seeing your ideas!